Hello, from behind the lens.

Hi, and welcome! I'm Tabitha, if I'm not behind the camera capturing your incredible birth story, I'm likely enjoying time with my 3 kids and husband, sipping an iced coffee (or three) and listening to true crime podcasts.

When I had my own kids, I had no idea a passion for birth work would ignite within me. Once we received our own birth photos, the type of birth work was clear. My goal is to empower women, to help shift the narrative from fear to bravery, from horror to joy, and from pain to euphoria.

Work with Me

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life”

Why hire a birth photographer?

Childbirth is one of the most beautiful, profound and empowering things you will ever do. It's not simply the act of delivering a baby, but bringing life into this world.

While it's a beautiful time, it's also a distracting time, especially for mom. Let me capture the moments you might otherwise miss. Let me tell your family's story through my eyes, so you can relive those beautiful moments for years to come.

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"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear" - Jane Weideman

These moments though challenging, are some of the most life changing, soul defining moments you will ever have. When a child is born, a new version of yourself is born with them.

Allow yourself be fully present, to give yourself grace through each phase of childbirth. From labouring, until a couple hours after baby is born, I will be there to capture the key moments of your story, for you to look back on and relive for years to come. Let the pictures tell your story, the story of your family, your courage, your strength and mostly, a story of your love.

Your story through my lens

When I was pregnant with my first daughter I went into labour imagining birth would be all the things I had seen on tv since I was young. It would be scary, painful, horrifying, and awful. Imagine my surprise when I delivered her and realized it was the most empowered, courageous and strong I'd ever felt. That said, I was exhausted, my memory of the time was foggy, and the pictures were scarce. In that moment I vowed we would have a birth photographer with any other children we had, and thankfully we did.

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